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fracture risk

How to Cite

Kirilov, N., Vladeva, S., Bischoff, F., Kovachev, M., & Bischoff, E. (2024). DETERMINATION OF SELF-ASSESSMENT OF OSTEOPOROSIS AND FRACTURE RISK AMONG WOMEN, WHO CONDUCTED OSTEODENSITOMETRY. Rheumatology (Bulgaria), 32(3), 15-27.


Osteoporosis (OP) is a metabolic bone disease that leads to a decrease in bone density and deterioration of the bone microarchitecture, increasing the risk of fractures. Its early detection, the calculation of fracture risk and the patient's self-assessment of the bone health status is a key moment for the prevention of osteoporotic fractures. The aim of this study was to investigate patients' self-assessment of OP and subsequent fracture risk. Among 324 women, before examining bone mineral density (BMD) with radiofrequency echographic multispectrometry (REMS), a survey was conducted with a self-report questionnaire for self-assessment of OP and fracture risk. It was found that 51.9% of women consider that the examination for OP is necessary, and 46.6% consider OP as a threatening disease. Unfortunately, only 8.3% knew they could self-assess their fracture risk and 0.6% had ever had their 10-year fracture risk assessed using the "FRAX" model. Interestingly, the older the women were, the less often they consider OP as a threatening disease. 77.5% of the women studied had a decreased bone density, measured with REMS. This demonstrates poor education and self-awareness of the patients regarding OP, as well as the lack of an objective assessment of the risks associated with it, and the need to conduct osteodensitometry.
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